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London Weekend Television
Quite possibly the most iconoclastic poster campaign ever.
I don't recall exactly how many of the roughly 60-odd posters Ii did, but here's a handful of my personal favourites that I did, starting with the one that made it into Campaign's '100 Best Posters Of All Time' book.

For people outside the UK not familiar with Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins, he didn't believe in gentle potting!

HRH loves her corgis

Yes, that summed up the Cold War nicely...

Always playing with the medium...

And finally, poor old Denis Thatcher...

We launched the iconic Nurofen brand in the UK and went for the blindingly obvious combination of 16th Century artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo's imagery, set to a Pink Floyd soundtrack.
Brand leaders aren't made by using formulaic advertising.
Holsten Export
Before the current cinema classifications, adult content was called X-certificate.
This was a downright silly homage to Hitchcock's Psycho.
Wings Holidays
My very first press ad, and it's in the D&AD Annual

When Mazda launched the RX-7, it really did look like it was going fast whilst standing still.

Never work with kids or animals, especially in the days before photoshop.

It's a carrot, at a supermarket. Not the most inspiring brief.
But even today, you can still see "More Reasons To Shop At Morrisons" on trucks and vans around Yorkshire.

Cadbury's Creme Eggs
When we created the "How Do You Eat Yours?" campaign, we never imagined it would run for over 20 years.
Before 360 was a buzzword, this was a multi-media campaign comprising tvc, posters, in-store point of sale, and every other touchpoint that was available to us at the time..
What we could have done with digital as well....

This was the very first tvc that began a 20+ year campaign.
Charming in it's childish naivety and pre-CGI wizardry.
Classic GGT - always looking to prick the bubble of pomposity.
Another campaign I started that ran and ran for years.
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